Disaster Risk Reduction
& Climate Change
The census of India considered children to be any person below the age of 14. However different organization and intuitions have different view on it.
Nav Jagriti is a pioneer grass-root non-government organization, registered as society in 1993.
The census of India considered children to be any person below the age of 14. However different organization and intuitions have different view on it.
The census of India considered children to be any person below the age of 14. However different organization have different view on it.
Chemical Free
In India about 50% workforces are involved in the agriculture and solving the issues of hunger and scarcity of foods for rest of the Indian population.
We are committed to bring the differences to lives of the people from disadvantaged and unprivileged section of the society by serving them with a vision to bring the values and better living condition for them with special focus on women and children. From its inception in 1993 our interventions have been focused on supporting initiatives that makes a sustainable impact and a larger change. We have inherited a mission to address the need of integrated development of child, essential livelihood options and better living conditions for women and other marginalized section of the society especially in flood affected district of Bihar. We have earned immense learning from project related to disaster risk reduction, agriculture, health, education, child rights and child developments and women empowerment in last few years and with uses of our experiences we wish to be part of some great changes to come in our next journey. We are very much thankful to all the partners, team and all stakeholders who have supported us throughout.
Want to join with us
When you bring together those who have, with those who have not - miracles happen.Become a time hero by volunteering with us. Meet new friends, gain new skills, get happiness and have fun!
हमारा आपसे अनुरोश है कि जरुरतमन्दो को दान में सीधे रूपये -पैसे, वस्तु आदि न देकर अगर आपको दान करना ही है तोह इस संदर्भ में नव जाग्रति के ALLAHABAD BANK के खाता संख्या 50325641717, IFSC: ALLA0210002 या (or) SBI के खाता संख्या 32019278390, IFSC: SBIN0001513 में जमा कर हमारे नीचे दिये पते पर संपर्क करें| हमारे यहाँ दी गई सभी दान राशी पर इनकम टैक्स के नियमानुसार छुट प्राप्त हैं| (Our Requested to you all that don't DONATE direct Ruppess, Things etc for helpless, If you want to DONATE than kindly make a transection in NAV JAGRITI'S ALAHABAD BANK A/C NO. 50325641717, IFSC: ALLA0210002 OR SBI BANK A/C NO. 32019278390, IFSC:SBIN0001513 and please inform us. For your DONATION you have to applicable remit on goverment tax.)
The account payee cheque or demand draft can be drawn in favour of Nav Jagriti.