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Health, Hygiene and Nutrition

Health, hygiene and nutrition are interlinked with each other. Hygiene generally refers to the provision of safe drinking water and safe disposal of human urine and faeses. Poor nutrition level and hygiene are the main root cause of serious diseases worldwide. Improving the standard of hygiene and nutrition results into a better health and economic condition of a household. Therefore NJ is committed to improve the health, hygiene and nutrition of the individual and communities. NJ has been creating the awareness on breast feeding, family planning, maternal and reproduction health as well as constructing toilets. Under the child centered development program with Plan international NJ has celebrated breast feeding week in 22 villages, it is also disseminating the information on diseases and ensure the vaccinations on timely basis. NJ has been also promoting the safe and institutional delivery among the marginalized.

Approach :-

Health education

  • Enhance the knowledge of women on health , hygiene and nutrition through health education and training
  • Awareness

Behaviour change

  • To encourage individuals to adopt healthy practices
  • Provide the services
  • Make them sustainable by increasing the community participation

Social change

  • Nav Jagriti bring changes in physical, social and economic environment which enables people to enjoy better health
  • Advocacy and networking with health department and other institutions

Covered SDG Goals