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Success Story

Students committee takes over the implementation of MDM scheme

Khagaria is one of the backward districts struggling to improve on many development indicators. Some sorts of irregularities were observed in the implementation of midday meal scheme in the Postin the schools of North Thatha village in Mansi Blcok. Students were complaining about the food’s quality and quantity during interaction. Besides, availability of food stock, cleanliness in preparation and other irregularities were debarring children from this scheme as student were not ready to take it. Nav Jagriti also observed the substantial reduction in the attendance over the period of 5-6 months. NJ had conducted the focus group discussion with children and tried to know the reason of low attendance. The picture was clear MDM seems to have a strong impact on retaining students in schools. Thus the project team aims to make school resilient by focusing on DRR, social protection and technology. We made a committee if 12 students and made them responsible for conducting MDM properly and to look after the other issues like drop out. Here are the responsibilities the committee took over

  • Proper waste disposal of MDM and other wastages, Maintain the cleanliness and hygiene in the school premises , classrooms , kitchen and playground.
  • Maintain peace in the distribution of MDM.
  • To ensure the participation of the students into the class.
  • To supervise the quality and quantity of MDM.

During follow up Nav Jagriti has noticed the following changes after six months

  • The mid day meal is being served with proper hygiene.
  • The quality of meal was improved and this follow the everyday diet menu.
  • Children maintain the peace, proper queue and waste disposal of MDM wastage.
  • Children committee ensure the participations of students in to the class after meal.
  • In case of drop out the committee inform the teacher and parents.

Teachers are also supporting the committee and stated very motivational words that participation of the students committee has increased the quality of the meal and it has also ensured the students participation in the classrooms. Overall it has changed the environment of the schools.

Nav Jagriti’s grain banks benefit victims of conflagration

Nav Jagriti’s grain banks benefit victims of conflagration Khagaria is one of the most disaster prone districts in Bihar, Every year it gets affected with recurrent floods and fire which is also attributed for its backwardness.Post The people here face cycle of disasters which makes them impoverished and vulnerable. The district administration is on the brisk of creating structures for disaster management after the enactment of Disaster Management Act 2005. Besides, the government led relief operations are inadequate when the scale of disaster is high. Thus NJ has started community support structures which are run and operated itself by community with an objective to provide the instant relief to the victims. NJ not only provides them relief but also prepare the community to handle the risk and vulnerabilities in disasters.

Reducing Risk, Building Resilience, Saving Life

Reducing Risk, Building Resilience, Saving Life Bihar is the playground of rivers and floods are a common scene here. Flood is common and an annual event in khagaria as the topography of this district is such. This district falls between the Bagmati, the Kosi and the Ganga rivers. The Kosi, the “Sorrow of Bihar”, is known for changing its course and the fate of community hangs on the behavior of the river. The children are hit most adversely during floods. During flood and raining season roads become muddy and the areas connected by them get almost inaccessible. Most of the children are not able to go to school during this time. Through the project ‘Building Resilience of Vulnerable Children and Communities in Bihar’, Save the Children intervened in Amni Panchayat. As Amni Panchayat, is our intervention area situated on the bank of river Bagmati prone to flood, local community has identified the risks and vulnerabilities through PVCA and formulated the CCCBDRR plan.

This finding has been incorporated in plan and has been shared with PRI. To make a community resilient, engagement and regular dialogue with PRI is very much required. As Panchayat approved the plan, it accepted the recommendation for mitigation activities. In this light, an all-weather road (Pakki Sadak) connected to school was constructed. Earlier, they had faced many problems in rainy season and other working day regarding communication and movement from one place to the other place.



Local PRI representatives participated in CCCBDRR planning as well as in various meetings, workshops for better understanding of child related issue. They also engaged in localization of HFA at panchayat level for preparedness and risk reduction to make community resilient. Having contacts with improved knowledge his approach is more children centric. They constructed the concrete road and this road is above the last flood level as incorporation of DRR in development for sustainability. Now children participate in Open General Body Meeting (Aam Sabha) and raise the issue of preparedness, safety and security of project villages. Local Mukhiya (PRI representative), Mr. Pramod Kumar Singh, ensures that Panchayat is prepared for any type of disaster, especially flood and ensured that CCCBDRR program is helpful to build community disaster resilience I the area. Mr. Singh maintains that Panchayat’s next target is to provide safe drinking water with raised platform so that potable water is available at the time of flood. Now children are going to school with ease and attend classes without any delay and missing of the class. This was possible only with the involvement of PRI in CCCBDRR

Building Resilience of Children and their Communities By integrating DRR, Social Protection and Technology

Jal Tara was inaugurated on the 17/07/2017 with the help of Nav Jagrti, Nokia and Save Children beside the Flood Centre of Amni Panchayat, District of Khagaria Bihar. The Jal Tara was inaugurated by the Circle Officer Mr Dhananjay Kumar of Mansi Block. The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Chief of the Amni Panchayat Miss Poonam Devi and the Jal Tara Committee. With this Jal Tara, the dream of drinking the pure water for the poor family's people was completed. Due to getting pure water, all the villagers of Amni Panchayat are very happy. The Circle Officer Mr Dhananjay Kumar said that through this JalTara, the poor families will get the clean drinking water.

JAL-TARA:- The community has been formed to run the Jal Tara smoothly. Rules have been made by the communities so that all the people of every village can get pure drinking water. All poor families are very happy because of the supply of pure water in the village.